
홍천군, 민선8기 조직개편 단행...행정·경제·건설 '3국체제' 전환

재난안전과, 투자유치·청년지원팀 신설
중대재해대응·농촌인력지원TF, 팀으로 승격

남상훈 기자 | 기사입력 2022/12/26 [12:35]

홍천군, 민선8기 조직개편 단행...행정·경제·건설 '3국체제' 전환

재난안전과, 투자유치·청년지원팀 신설
중대재해대응·농촌인력지원TF, 팀으로 승격

남상훈 기자 | 입력 : 2022/12/26 [12:35]

▲ 홍천군청 전경<사진제공= 홍천군청>     ©경기북부/강원 브레이크뉴스


[남상훈 기자 = 홍천] 오는 2023년 1월 1일부터 홍천군은 조직개편을 단행한다. 군은 민선8기 핵심 공약사업을 집중적, 효율적으로 추진하고자 현 행정국, 경제국 2국 체제를 행정복지국, 경제진흥국, 건설안전국 3국 체제로 전환한다고 밝혔다. 


홍천군은 재난안전과를 신설하고 팀 단위로는 찾아가는 상담관, 노사협력팀, 공공건축팀, 투자유치팀, 청년지원팀, 농촌인력지원팀, 안전관리팀, 중대재해대응팀, 홍천군의회 사무과 의정팀이 신설된다. 교육과, 문화체육과, 관광과는 통합 후 교육체육과와 관광문화과로 명칭 변경한다. 


특히 농촌인력지원TF와 중대재해대응TF를 팀으로 승격해 농촌인력부족 문제 및 중대재해에 적극 대응하고 투자유치팀, 청년지원팀을 신설해 기업하기 좋은 도시, 청년이 일자리 걱정 없는 홍천을 만드는데 중점을 둔다. 


부서명칭도 기획감사담당관은 기획감사실, 국책사업추진단은 미래성장추진단, 종합민원과는 민원과, 재무과는 세무회계과, 복지정책과는 복지과, 일자리경제과는 경제진흥과, 건설방재과는 건설과, 농업기술센터 농촌사회과는 농촌지원과로 변경한다. 


조직개편에 따른 본청 사무실 위치도 변경된다. 본관 2층에 별도로 마련된 행정국장, 경제국장 사무실을 각 국의 주무과 사무실로 배치해 업무의 능률과 효율성을 제고한다. 미래성장추진단은 본관 2층 국장실 자리로 교육체육과, 관광문화과 사무실은 잿골다목적체육관으로 이동하며 기존 관광과 위생관리담당은 보건소 보건정책과로 재배치된다. 농정과는 별관 5층에서 본관 4층으로 이전하며 기존 농정과 자리에는 재난안전과 3개 팀이 자리한다. 본관 3층 정보화교육장은 사무실로 리모델링하고 경제진흥과 3개 팀이 이동한다. 


홍천군은 추후 본청의 사무공간을 재설계해 팀별로 분리된 부서의 사무실을 통합하고, 청 외 근무 부서를 본청에 배치할 계획이다. 또한 유사민원 부서를 군청 본관에 배치해 민원인의 이동 동선을 최소화하는 편의를 제공할 예정이다. 


신영재 홍천군수는 “이번 조직개편을 통해 민선8기 군정비전인 힘차게 도약하는 경제으뜸도시 홍천을 구체화하고 조직 신설과 개편으로 군민들이 체감할 수 있는 변화를 이끌어 내도록 노력하겠다”고 말했다. 




*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. 

*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.


Hongcheon-gun, the 8th civil election reorganization... Transformation into a 'three-state system' in administration, economy and construction


Disaster Safety Division, Investment Attraction/Youth Support Team established

Severe Disaster Response · Rural Manpower Support TF, promoted to a team


[Reporter Nam Sang-hoon = Hongcheon] From January 1, 2023, Hongcheon-gun will carry out an organizational reorganization. In order to intensively and efficiently carry out the core pledged projects of the 8th civil election, the military announced that it would switch from the current two-country system of the Administration Bureau and the Economic Bureau to a three-country system of the Administration and Welfare Bureau, the Economic Promotion Bureau, and the Construction Safety Bureau.


In Hongcheon-gun, the Disaster Safety Division is newly established, and the visiting counselor, labor-management cooperation team, public construction team, investment attraction team, youth support team, rural manpower support team, safety management team, major disaster response team, and Hongcheon County Council office affairs and legislative team are newly established. The departments of education, culture and sports, and tourism will be merged and renamed into education and sports departments and tourism and culture departments.


In particular, the Rural Manpower Support TF and the Severe Disaster Response TF will be promoted to a team to actively respond to rural manpower shortages and serious disasters, and an investment promotion team and youth support team will be established to focus on creating Hongcheon, a city that is good for businesses and where young people do not have to worry about jobs. .


Department Name Map Planning and Audit Officer is Planning and Audit Office, National Project Promotion Team is Future Growth Promotion Team, Comprehensive Civil Service Division is Civil Service Division, Finance Division is Tax Accounting Division, Welfare Policy Division is Welfare Division, Job Economy Division is Economic Promotion Division, Construction Disaster Prevention Division is Construction Division, Agricultural Technology Division The Rural Social Division of the Center is changed to the Rural Support Division.


The location of the headquarters office will also change according to the reorganization. On the second floor of the main building, the offices of the administrative director and the economic director, which are separately prepared, are arranged as offices for the relevant departments of each country to improve work efficiency and efficiency. The Future Growth Promotion Team will move to the director's office on the second floor of the main building. The Department of Agricultural Policy will move from the 5th floor of the annex building to the 4th floor of the main building, and three teams of the Department of Disaster and Safety will be located in the former Department of Agricultural Policy. The information education center on the 3rd floor of the main building will be remodeled into an office, and three teams from the Economic Promotion Division will move.


Hongcheon-gun plans to redesign the office space of the main office in the future, integrate the offices of the departments separated by teams, and place departments outside the office in the main office. In addition, similar civil complaint departments will be placed in the main building of the county office to provide convenience to minimize the movement of civil petitioners.


Shin Yeong-jae, Mayor of Hongcheon County, said, “Through this organizational reorganization, we will make efforts to materialize Hongcheon, the best economic city that leaps forward vigorously, which is the 8th civilian military reorganization vision, and to bring about changes that the county people can feel through the establishment and reorganization of the organization.”



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