
김덕만 전 홍천군홍보대사, 강원도의원 출마 위해 홍천 내면으로 귀향

고향인 홍천 내면으로 주민등록 전입신고

장선희 기자 | 기사입력 2022/03/23 [14:00]

김덕만 전 홍천군홍보대사, 강원도의원 출마 위해 홍천 내면으로 귀향

고향인 홍천 내면으로 주민등록 전입신고

장선희 기자 | 입력 : 2022/03/23 [14:00]

▲ 농부모습김덕만사진<사진제공= 김덕만박사>  © 경기북부/강원 브레이크뉴스

[장선희 기자 = 경기북부/강원] 3월 23일, 지난 2011년 홍천군 홍보대사로 위촉된 이래 1천여건의 홍천홍보 활동을 전개해 온 김덕만 전 국민권익위원회 대변인이 국민의힘 소속으로 오는 6월 1일 지방선거 강원도의회 의원 '홍천군 제2선거구, 화촌면·영귀미면·남면·서면·두촌면·내촌면·서석면·내면' 출마를 위해 지난 22일 고향 내면으로 주민등록 전입신고를 했다고 밝혔다. 


지방의원 출마를 하려면 60일 이전에 출마할 선거구로 주민등록을 이전해야 한다고 전했다.


광원3리 작은절애 태생인 김덕만박사는 원당초(7회) 내면중학교(19회)를 졸업한 후 내면농협청소부를 비롯해 다양한 잡일을 하면서 고졸검정고시를 거쳐 연세대문리대 영문과(학사) 런던시티대(석사) 한국외국어대(정치학박사)를 졸업한 입지전적인 인물이며, 중졸 학력에도 불구하고 김 박사는 남들은 한번도 하기 힘들다는 집배원, 지방공무원, 국가공무원, 경찰직(순경) 등의 공채시험에 올랐으며 대학을 마친 후에는 헤럴드경제신문기자 등 언론계 16년 생활에 이어 서울강동구도시정책연구원연구위원, 부패방지위원회·국가청렴위원회공보담당관, 국민권익위원회 대변인, 한국철도시설공단이사, 한국교통대교수, 농식품부산하귀농귀촌종합센터장 등 10 여종의 다양한 공직경험을 갖고 있다고 했다. 


이런 공직을 지내면서 부패방지 강연 5백 여 회 실시로 '청렴전도사', 귀농귀촌종합센터장을 지내며 ‘귀농귀촌전도사', '21세기언론홍보기법' 저서와 함께 각종 홍보대사 활동으로 '홍보도사'란 별명이 각각 붙었다고 했다. 


김덕만박사는 선관위 후보 등록과 국민의힘 소속 경선참여 등 소정의 절차를 마치는대로 공식 출마를 발표하겠다고 전했다. 




Former Hongcheon-gun public relations ambassador Kim Deok-man returns to Hongcheon to run for Gangwon-do legislative branch


Report of moving in as a resident to Naeyeon, his hometown of Hongcheon


[Reporter Jang Seon-hee = Northern Gyeonggi/Gangwon] Kim Deok-man, a former spokesperson of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, who has been conducting more than 1,000 Hongcheon public relations activities since he was appointed as a public relations ambassador for Hongcheon-gun in 2011 on March 23rd, will join the People's Power on June 1 He announced that he had registered as a resident in his hometown Naeyeon on the 22nd to run for the Gangwon Provincial Council member's 'Hongcheon-gun 2nd constituency, Hwachon-myeon, Yeonggwimi-myeon, Nam-myeon, Seo-myeon, Duchon-myeon, Naechon-myeon, Seoseok-myeon, Nae-myeon'.


He said that to run for local councilor, you must transfer your resident registration to the constituency you plan to run for at least 60 days in advance.


After graduating from Wondang Elementary School (7 times) and Naeyeon Middle School (19 times), Dr. Kim Deok-man, who was born in Gwangwon 3-ri, took the Naeyeon Agricultural Cooperative cleaning service and various other chores. ) He graduated from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Ph.D. in Political Science), and despite his middle school education, Dr. Kim took the exams for postman, local public official, national public official, police officer (police officer), etc. After completing his 16 years of journalism as a reporter for the Herald Economic Daily, a research fellow at the Seoul Gangdong-gu Urban Policy Research Institute, a public affairs officer at the Anti-Corruption and National Integrity Commission, a spokesperson for the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, a director of the Korea Railroad Corporation, a professor at Korea Transportation University, a subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food He said that he had about 10 different types of public service experience, including the head of the Center for Returning to Farming and Returning Homecoming.


While serving in such a public office, he served as an 'Integrity Evangelist' by conducting over 500 anti-corruption lectures and serving as the director of the Center for Returning Homecoming and Returning Villages, writing 'Returning and Returning Village Evangelist' and '21st Century Media Public Relations Act' as well as various public relations ambassador activities. ' They each had a nickname.


Dr. Kim Deok-man said that he would officially announce his candidacy as soon as certain procedures, such as registration of candidates for the National Election Commission and participation in the elections under the People's Power, were completed.




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