행정타운 조성공사는 광진구 중곡역 일대의 보건복지부 소관 국유재산을 캠코가 2015년 위탁개발하는 방식으로 승인받아 2017년에 공사를 시작하여 올해 7월에 준공됐다고 했다.
이날 행사에는 권덕철 보건복지부장관, 신흥식 캠코 사장 직무대행, 전혜숙 광진구 국회의원, 김선갑 광진구청장, 박삼례 구의회 의장, 입주기관 임직원 등 관계자 50여명이 참석했다고 했다.
행정타운 개청은 20년 전으로 거슬러 올라가 이 지역에 소재한 구)국립서울정신병원의 이전을 두고 지역사회와 정부, 국회에서 오랜 갈등조정과정을 거쳐 2010년부터 ‘종합의료복합단지’ 조성이라는 민․관 상생모델의 일환으로 추진됐다고 했다.
1단계 사업으로 舊국립서울병원은 2016년에 치료와 연구, 정책개발을 지원하는 국립정신건강센터로 탈바꿈하여 개원하였고, 2단계 사업인 행정타운 건립공사는 캠코에서 총사업비 1,681억원을 투입하여 지상 20층, 지하 2층, 연면적 52,252.83㎡ 규모로 조성됐다고 했다.
행정타운 업무동에는 보건복지부 산하 공공기관인 한국사회보장정보원, 한국건강증진개발원, 한국국제보건의료재단, 한국보건의료연구원 등 4개 공공기관 약 1,200명이 근무하게 되며, 부속 건물에는 지역 아동을 위한 육아종합지원센터, 어린이공연장, 키움센터, 키즈카페 등 노유자 시설이 갖추어져 있으며 입주직원 및 지역주민이 이용할 수 있는 다양한 상업시설도 입점할 예정이라고 했다.
< 보건복지행정타운 현황 > ㅇ (업무동) 4개 공공기관 총 1,170명 근무 ▴한국사회보장정보원 740명(2층, 11~20층) ▴한국건강증진개발원 160명(8~10층) ▴한국국제보건의료재단 80명(6~7층) ▴한국보건의료연구원 190명(3~5층) ㅇ (부속동) 지역주민을 위한 노유자시설 및 상업시설 입점 ▴(4층) 어린이 공연장, 광진구 마을자치센터, 정보교육장 ▴(3층) 키즈카페, 키움센터, 육아종합지원센터, 열린육아방 ▴(1~2층) 편의점, 식당, 패스트푸드, 커피전문점 등 상업시설 입점예정 ㅇ (위탁운영) 캠코에서 20년간 위탁운영하면서 임대수입 등으로 사업비 회수
권덕철 장관은 개청사를 통해 “새 둥지를 옮겨 입주한 4개 공공기관 모두 신청사에서 새롭게 도약하는 계기가 되기 바라며, 행정타운이 지역의 랜드마크가 되어 활기찬 지역발전의 촉매제가 되었으면 한다”고 기대를 밝혔다.
캠코 신흥식 사장 직무대행은 “지역주민과 입주기관 모두가 만족할 수 있도록 꼼꼼하게 사업관리를 해왔다”며, “앞으로도 캠코는 공공디벨로퍼로서 국민들께 보다 나은 서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 행정인프라 확충을 위해 노력하겠다”고 말했다.
* 아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]이다. * Below is the [full text] of an English article translated from the above article as'Google Translate'.
Camco, Held Opening Ceremony for Health and Welfare Administration Town
4 public institutions under the Ministry of Health and Welfare moved in
[Reporter Il-woong Kim = Northern Gyeonggi/Gangwon] At 4 pm on December 22, the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Korea Asset Management Corporation (hereinafter referred to as 'Kamco') announced the “Health and Welfare Administration Town” in Junggok-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, where four public institutions under the Ministry of Health and Welfare will move in. "(hereinafter referred to as 'Administrative Town') announced that the opening ceremony was held.
The administrative town development project was approved in 2015 by Camco to develop state-owned properties under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health and Welfare around Junggok Station in Gwangjin-gu, and construction began in 2017 and was completed in July of this year.
The event was attended by about 50 officials, including Minister of Health and Welfare Kwon Deok-cheol, Acting President Shin Shin-shik of Camco, Jeon Hye-sook of Gwangjin-gu Member of Parliament, Kim Seon-gap, Mayor of Gwangjin-gu, Park Sam-rye, chairman of the district council, and executives and employees of resident organizations.
The opening of the Administrative Town dates back 20 years ago, and after a long conflict resolution process in the local community, the government, and the National Assembly over the relocation of the former Seoul National Mental Hospital in this area, in 2010, the public and private sector called for the creation of a 'comprehensive medical complex'. It was said that it was promoted as part of the coexistence model.
As a phase 1 project, the former Seoul National Hospital was transformed into a national mental health center supporting treatment, research, and policy development in 2016 and opened. It said that it was built on a floor, two basement floors, with a total floor area of 52,252.83㎡.
About 1,200 people from four public institutions, including the Korea Social Security Information Service, the Korea Health Promotion and Development Institute, the Korea International Health and Medical Foundation, and the Korea Health and Medical Research Institute, will work in the administrative town office building. It is equipped with facilities for the elderly, such as a general support center, children's performance hall, Kiwoom center, and a kids cafe.
< Status of Health and Welfare Administrative Town > ㅇ (Business building) 4 public institutions total 1,170 employees ▴Korea Social Security Information Service 740 persons (2nd floor, 11~20th floor) ▴Korea Health Promotion and Development Institute 160 persons (8th~10th floor) ▴Korea International Health and Medical Foundation 80 people (6th~7th floors) ▴Korea Institute of Health and Medical Sciences 190 people (3rd~5th floors) ㅇ (Annex) Entering facilities for the elderly and commercial facilities for local residents ▴ (4th floor) Children's performance hall, Gwangjin-gu village self-governing center, information education center ▴ (3rd floor) Kids Cafe, Kiwoom Center, Childcare Comprehensive Support Center, Open Nursery ▴ (1st and 2nd floors) Commercial facilities such as convenience stores, restaurants, fast food, and coffee shops are planned ㅇ (Consignment operation) Camco collects business expenses through rental income, etc. while operating on consignment for 20 years
Minister Kwon Deok-cheol expressed expectations through the new government building, saying, “I hope that all four public institutions that have moved into new nests will take a new leap forward from the new building, and I hope that the administrative town will become a regional landmark and become a catalyst for vibrant regional development.” said.
“We have meticulously managed the project so that both local residents and resident organizations can be satisfied,” said Shin Shin-shik, acting president of Camco. said
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