원주지방환경청, 미세먼지 '자발적감축 협약' 사업장 감축목표 초과 달성제2차 계절관리제 기간 동안 미세먼지 '자발적감축 협약' 사업장에서 크게 감소
이번 2차 계절관리제 기간(`20.12월~`21.3월)동안 이들 사업장의 배출량은 15,374톤으로 당초 감축목표(19,491톤, 감축률 10%)를 상회하여, 4,117톤(21%)의 추가 감축을 달성하였다고 했다.
업종별로는 시멘트사 3,524톤(19.8%), 발전사가 423톤(27.6%)을 추가 감축했고, 계절관리제 기간동안 각 자발적 감축 사업장은 질소산화물, 황산화물, 먼지의 배출농도를 대기배출허용기준보다 최소 20%이상 강화된 기준을 설정하여 운영하였다고 했다.
이에따라, 방지시설 추가 증축, 배출시설 가동률 감축 및 중단, 공정시설 개선 등을 통하여 강화된 기준을 충족하고, 감축률을 달성했으며 아울러, 추가적인 배출량 감축을 위해 지속적인 시설 투자도 진행하고 있다고 전했다.
원주지방환경청 이창흠 청장은 “미세먼지 농도 개선을 위해서는 다량배출사업장의 저감 노력이 중요한만큼, 제3차 계절관리제 시행에도 자발적 감축사업장들이 미세먼지 감축활동에 더 적극적으로 참여 해주길 기대한다” 라고 밝혔다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]이다. * Below is the [full text] of an English article translated from the above article as'Google Translate'.
Wonju Regional Environmental Office, Exceeding the Workplace Reduction Target of the Fine Dust'Voluntary Reduction Agreement'
During the 2nd seasonal management system, the fine dust'voluntary reduction agreement' significantly decreased at the workplace.
[Reporter Il-woong Kim = Gyeonggibuk-do] Lee Chang-heum, head of the Wonju Regional Environment Office, Ministry of Environment, said that air pollutants were discharged from 12 workplaces in Gangwon-Chungbuk area fine dust'voluntary reduction agreement' during the 2nd seasonal management system (December 20th to February 3rd). It said that emissions have been greatly reduced.
During the 2nd Seasonal Management System (Dec. 20-Feb. 13), the emissions of these workplaces were 15,374 tons, exceeding the original reduction target (19,491 tons, reduction rate 10%), and an additional reduction of 4,117 tons (21%). It was said to have been achieved.
By type of industry, cement companies reduced 3,524 tons (19.8%) and power generation companies further reduced 423 tons (27.6%). During the seasonal management system, each voluntary reduction workplace is based on the emission concentrations of nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and dust. It is said that it was operated by setting standards that were strengthened by at least 20%.
Accordingly, it met the reinforced standards through additional expansion of prevention facilities, reduction and suspension of the utilization rate of emission facilities, and improvement of process facilities, and the reduction rate was achieved.
Director Lee Chang-heum of the Wonju Regional Environment Agency said, “As efforts to reduce large amounts of emission are important for improving the concentration of fine dust, we hope that voluntary reduction businesses will actively participate in the fine dust reduction activities in the implementation of the third seasonal management system.” .
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