이날 사전 신청된 고품질 육묘구입 지원사업 등 15개 사업에 대하여 협의한 결과 계속사업 12개사업, 신규 사업으로 쌀생산농가 곡물건조기 지원사업과 가축분뇨 부숙장비 지원사업이 새로이 선정되어 총 12개 사업에 사업비 3,583백만원으로 가평군 1,118백만원, 농협중앙회가평군지부 391백만원, 가평군농협 180백만원, 가평축협 236백만원, 농업인 자부담 1,656백만원을 투입할 것을 잠정 협의했다.
금년도 사업은 벼 육묘보급, 농산물건조기, 비닐하우스, 가축분뇨 수분조절제, 발효퇴비 살포지원 차량 구입 등 10개 사업에 총 3,062백만원을 지원하여 농촌인력 고령화에 따른 노동력절감으로 농‧축산물 가격경쟁력을 높여 농가실질소득을 증대하는 성과를 가져왔다.
김용주 농업정책과장은 “농업관련 기관단체 협력 사업을 통해 지속가능한 친환경 농·축산업 육성과 농업인들의 위한 지원사업을 지속적으로 추진하겠다”고 말했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. *The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Gapyeong, 2023 Agricultural Institutional Organization Cooperation Project Conference
[Reporter Kim Hyun-woo = Northern Gyeonggi/Gangwon] Gapyeong-gun announced that it held a meeting on the 28th to discuss the 2023 budget proposal, a cooperative project between the Gapyeong-gun branch of the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, the Gapyeong-gun Agricultural Cooperatives, the Gapyeong Livestock Cooperative, and the farmers.
As a result of discussions on 15 projects, including the high-quality seedling purchase support project that had been applied for in advance, 12 projects were newly selected as new projects, the grain dryer support project for rice-producing farms and the livestock manure lodging equipment support project as new projects. For the project cost of 3583 million won, it was tentatively agreed to invest 1,118 million won in Gapyeong-gun, 391 million won in the Gapyeong-gun branch of the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, 180 million won in the Gapyeong-gun Agricultural Cooperatives, 236 million won in the Gapyeong Livestock Cooperatives, and 1656 million won by the farmers.
This year, a total of KRW 3,062 million was provided for 10 projects including rice seedling supply, agricultural product dryer, plastic house, livestock manure moisture control agent, and fermented compost spraying vehicle purchase. This resulted in an increase in the real income of farm households.
Kim Yong-joo, head of the Agricultural Policy Division, said, "We will continue to promote sustainable and eco-friendly agriculture and livestock industries and support projects for farmers through cooperative projects with agricultural organizations."
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