김장대잔치 행사는 지난 11월 13일 10시부터 16시까지 북평민속5일장 야외공연장에서, 코로나 방역수칙을 준수하며 시간당 60명씩 체험 행사를 진행했다고 했다.
체험을 희망하는 사람을 위해 동해북평상인회에서는 11월 12일까지 사전 접수를 받았으며, 당일 현장에서도 13시부터 14시까지 김장담그기 체험 신청을 받았다고 했다.
참가비는 2,000원으로, 이번 행사에 참여하는 사람은 김장 1포기를 직접 만들어 가져가고, 참가비는 연말 어려운 이웃돕기 성금으로 기부될 예정으로, 참가자들은 더욱 의미 있는 체험 활동이 됐다고 전했다.
남진수 동해북평상인회장은 “그동안 코로나19로 전통시장이 많이 침체되어 있었지만 이번 행사를 시작으로 지역경기가 되살아나고 코로나로 지친 시민들이 활기를 되찾기를 바란다”고 말했다.
* 아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]이다. * Below is the [full text] of an English article translated from the above article as'Google Translate'.
Donghae City, Donghae Bukpyeong Merchants Association held the Bukpyeong Folk Market Kimchi Festival
Activation of traditional markets in response to the gradual recovery of daily life from Corona
[Reporter Hyeon-Woo Kim = Northern Gyeonggi/Gangwon] The Donghae Bukpyeong Merchants Association announced that they held a Kimchi Festival at the Bukpyeong Folk Market to revitalize the traditional market in response to the gradual recovery of daily life from the coronavirus.
He said that the Kimjangdae Feast was held at the outdoor performance hall of the Bukpyeong Folklore 5-Day Market from 10:00 to 16:00 on November 13th, observing the corona prevention rules, and an experience event was held for 60 people per hour.
For those who wish to experience it, the Donghae Bukpyeong Merchants Association said that they received pre-registrations until November 12, and that they received applications for making kimchi from 13:00 to 14:00 on the same day.
The participation fee is 2,000 won, and those participating in this event will make and take one kimchi, and the participation fee will be donated to a donation to help neighbors in need at the end of the year.
Nam Jin-soo, president of Donghae Bukpyeong Merchants Association, said, “The traditional market has been stagnant due to the Corona 19, but I hope that the local economy will revive and citizens who are tired of Corona will regain vitality with this event starting with this event.”
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