이날 희망복지상담소 운영에는 북면장을 비롯 북면지역사회보장협의체 위원 10명이 참가 상담소 운영을 더욱 활기차게 만들었고, 참가한 위원들은 북면에서 제작한 홍보물과 희망복지지원단 리플렛을 주민들에게 배포하며 주변에 어려운 이웃을 보거나 알게 될 경우 가까운 행정복지센터에 알려줄 것을 부탁하였다고 말했다.
이해곤 북면지역사회보장협의체 공공위원장은 “찾아가는 희망복지상담소 운영으로 위기상황에 놓인 복지소외계층의 신속 발굴에 큰 역할이 예상됨에 따라 현장복지 강화차원으로 정기적인 운영을 하겠다”고 약속하였다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]이다.
*Below is the [full text] of an English article translated from the above article as'Google Translate'.
Gapyeong-gun Buk-myeon Local Social Security Council, Operates ‘Visiting Hope Welfare Counseling Center’
Operates ‘Visiting Hope Welfare Counseling Center’
[Reporter Ahn Jong-wook = Northern Gyeonggi] On June 25, the Buk-myeon Community Security Council operated the 'Visiting Hope Welfare Counseling Center' in the plaza of the Gun Branch of the Nonghyup Federation to celebrate the 5th May Market in Gapyeong-eup. It said that the application and distribution of business promotional materials were carried out.
In the operation of the Hope Welfare Counseling Center on this day, 10 members of the Buk-myeon Community Security Council, including the mayor of Buk-myeon, made the operation of the counseling center more lively. He said that he asked to inform the nearest administrative and welfare center if it became known.
Lee Hae-gon, the public chairperson of the Buk-myeon Community Security Council, promised, “As the operation of the Hope Welfare Counseling Center is expected to play a major role in the rapid discovery of the socially underprivileged who are in crisis, regular operation will be conducted to strengthen on-site welfare.”
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