이날 협약식에서는 약국을 방문하는 손님 중 수면유도제 및 항정신병약 등을 구입하는 자살시도자 및 자살고위험군을 발견할 경우, 동두천시정신건강복지센터에 신속히 의뢰하고, 자살 수단에 대한 접근성을 떨어트려, 자살률을 낮추는데 함께 노력할 것을 논의하며, 현판식도 진행했다고 말했다.
동두천시자살예방센터와 동두천시 약사회는 협약을 시작으로, 관내 42개 전체 약국에 ‘생명사랑 약국’ 현판을 게시하는 등 앞으로도 자살고위험군을 조기에 발견하여, 전문적인 치료와 상담을 받을 수 있도록, 협력체계 강화는 물론, 자살예방을 위한 사회적 안전망을 더욱 강화할 계획이라고 했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]이다.
*Below is the [full text] of an English article translated from the above article as'Google Translate'.
Dongducheon Suicide Prevention Center signs a business agreement with the 'Love of Life Pharmacy'
Signed a business agreement for the love of life pharmacy business and held a signboard ceremony
[Reporter Jang Seon-hee = Northern Gyeonggi] On the 17th, the Suicide Prevention Center attached to the Dongducheon City Mental Health Welfare Center announced that it had signed a business agreement with the Dongducheon City Pharmacist Association for the ‘Love of Life Pharmacy Project’ to prevent suicide and build a social safety net and held a signboard ceremony.
At the signing ceremony on this day, if any of the customers who visit the pharmacy find a suicide attempter or a high-risk group who purchases sleep inducers and antipsychotic drugs, the Dongducheon Mental Health Welfare Center is promptly referred to the Dongducheon City Mental Health Welfare Center, and access to the means of suicide is reduced and the suicide rate is reduced. They discussed working together to lower the price, and said that a signboard ceremony was also held.
The Dongducheon Suicide Prevention Center and the Dongducheon City Pharmacist Association, starting with the agreement, posted a signboard of 'Love Life Pharmacy' in all 42 pharmacies in the district, so that people at high risk of suicide can be detected early and receive professional treatment and counseling. He said he plans to further strengthen the social safety net for suicide prevention.
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