양주시 새마을부녀회, 코로나19 백신 접종 따른 어르신 안내 봉사 실시어르신들을 편안하게 모시고 접종 장소까지 친절하게 안내하는 봉사
코로나19 백신 접종 안내 봉사는 양주시 보건소에서 지난 6월 1일부터 오는 7월 중순까지 75세 이상 어르신을 대상으로 접종을 하는데 현장에 일손이 부족하여 양주시자원봉사센터에서 관내 사회단체를 대상으로 자원봉사자를 모집했다고 했다.
이에 박순희 양주시새마을부녀회장을 포함하여 11개 읍면동 새마을부녀회장 모두가 2일에 걸쳐 오전과 오후로 조를 편성하여 어르신들이 탑승한 버스가 접종 장소에 도착하면 접종 대상자가 맞는지 일일이 확인하고 어르신들을 편안하게 모시고 접종 장소까지 친절하게 안내하는 봉사를 했다고 전했다.
직접 현장에서 안내 봉사를 주관한 박순희 양주시새마을부녀회장 “양주시보건소에서 코로나19 어르신 백신 접종을 도와 줄 자원봉사자를 찾는다는 말을 듣고 평소 지역사회 각종 봉사에 새마을부녀회가 앞장서 왔기에 가장 먼저 안내 봉사를 신청하게 되었다”고 소감을 밝혔다.
* 아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]이다. * Below is the [full text] of an English article translated from the above article as'Google Translate'.
Yangju Saemaeul Women’s Association, conducting volunteer service for senior citizens following COVID-19 vaccination
Volunteer service to take the elderly comfortably and kindly guide them to the vaccination site
[Reporter Hyun-woo Kim = Northern Gyeonggi] On June 1 and 2, the Yangju Saemaul Women's Association announced that it had conducted a volunteer service for the elderly following the Corona 19 vaccination at the Gyeonggi Textile Support Center.
The COVID-19 vaccination information service was conducted at the Yangju Public Health Center from June 1 to mid-July for the elderly over 75 years of age. said to have recruited
Accordingly, all 11 Saemaul women’s presidents, including Yangju Saemaul Women’s President Park Soon-hee, organized groups in the morning and afternoon over two days to check whether the elderly people were eligible for vaccination and make them comfortable. He said that he had volunteered to guide them to the place of inoculation.
Yangju Saemaul Women's President Park Soon-hee, who directly supervised the on-site guidance service, said, “The Yangju Health Center is looking for volunteers to help vaccinate the elderly for COVID-19 When she heard that she was looking for her, the Saemaul Women's Association took the lead in her usual community service, so she was the first to apply for a guide service,” she said.
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