가평경찰서, 야간순찰 중 신속한 초기대응으로 대형화재 및 인명피해 예방가평군 북면 소재 펜션밀집지역 인근 가평천 갈대밭에서 화재 발생
펜션단지로의 화재 확산 방지를 위해 신속히 화재 현장으로 이동하며 119에 지원을 요청하였고, 현장에 도착하여 순찰차에 비치·휴대하고 있던 소화기와 현장 인근에 있는 플라스틱 물통에 농수로 물을 담아 화재 진화를 실시하여 119소방차 도착 전 완벽한 초동조치로 신속하게 진화함으로써 대형화재로의 확산을 방지했다고 전했다.
김낙동 가평경찰서장은 야간 112순찰근무 중 펜션밀집지역 인근 가평천 갈대밭에서 발생하여 확산 중인 화재를 발견하고 초기에 신속하게 대응하여 대형화재 확산방지 및 인명피해를 예방한 북면파출소 경찰관들에게 격려를 아끼지 않았으며 “앞으로도 지속적인 112순찰을 통해 군민의 재산 및 생명을 보호하는데 최선을 다하는 가평 경찰이 되겠다.”고 말했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 구글 번역기로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]이다. [Below is the [full text] of an English article translated from the above article with Google Translate.]
Gapyeong Police Station prevents large-scale fires and personal damage through rapid initial response during night patrols
A fire occurred in the reed field of Gapyeongcheon Stream near the pension area in Buk-myeon, Gapyeong-gun.
[Reporter Ahn Jong-wook = North Gyeonggi-do] Gapyeong Police Station chief Kim Nak-dong discovered a fire in the reed field of Gapyeongcheon, only 10 meters away from a pension cluster located in Buk-myeon, Gapyeong-gun during the 112 patrol service at 19:37 pm on March 25, and immediately extinguished the fire. It has been said that it has prevented large-scale fires and personal injury.
To prevent the fire from spreading to the pension complex, we quickly moved to the fire site and requested assistance from 119. Upon arriving at the site, fire extinguishing was carried out by putting water from agricultural water in a fire extinguisher installed and carried by a patrol car and a plastic bucket near the site. Therefore, it was reported that the spread of large-scale fires was prevented by rapidly evolving with perfect initial action before the arrival of the 119 fire engine.
Kim Nak-dong, head of Gapyeong Police Station, did not spare any encouragement to the police officers of the North-myeon Police Box, who discovered the fire that occurred in the reed field of Gapyeongcheon near the pension area during the 112 patrol at night and was spreading and responded quickly in the early stages to prevent the spread of large-scale fires and to prevent human damage. He said, “I will continue to be the Gapyeong Police that will do our best to protect the property and lives of civilians through ongoing 112 patrols.”
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