
동해시, 산불 피해 시민들 지방세 감면 실시

세제지원 추진

김현우 기자 | 기사입력 2022/03/29 [16:55]

동해시, 산불 피해 시민들 지방세 감면 실시

세제지원 추진

김현우 기자 | 입력 : 2022/03/29 [16:55]

▲ <사진제공=동해시>     ©경기북부/강원 브레이크뉴스


[김현우 기자 = 경기북부/강원] 동해시는 산불로 피해를 입은 시민들을 대상으로 지방세를 감면하는 세제지원을 추진한다고 밝혔다.


동해시는 시 의회의 의결을 얻어 `22년~`23년분 재산세, 주민세, 자동차세에 대해 직권 또는 신청에 의해 감면을 실시할 방침이라고 전했다.


재산세는 산불피해 사실이 확인되는 주택, 건축물, 토지와 산불피해로 개수하거나 대체 취득하는 주택, 건축물에 대해 감면하고, 주민세는 주민에 대해서는 개인분 주민세를 감면하고, 중소기업·소상공인에 대해서는 사업소분 및 종업원분 주민세를 각각 감면한다고 했다.


자동차세는 피해를 입은 자동차와 새로 대체 취득하는 자동차에 대해서도 감면한다고 전했다. 


또한, 산불 피해를 입은 납세자에 대해 취득세, 지방소득세, 재산세, 자동차세 등 세목을 대상으로 납부기한 연장, 징수유예, 세무조사 연기 신청 등의 적극적인 지원을 실시한다고 했다.


김형기 세무과장은 “이번 지방세 감면이 산불로 피해를 입은 주민들에게 경제적으로 조금이나마 도움이 되어 빠른 시일 내 안정적인 일상생활을 되찾길 바라며, 적극적인 홍보와 안내를 실시하겠다”고 말했다.




*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. 

*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation. 


Donghae City, the 27th Donghae Citizens Awards in 2022


Jong-Dae Yoon (born in 1946) as the recipient of the Culture and Arts category and Dae-Hyeon Park (Born in 1956) as the recipient of the Social Service category were selected.


[Reporter Hyeon-Woo Kim = Northern Gyeonggi/Gangwon] Donghae City announced that it has finally selected Jong-dae Yoon (born in 1946) as the recipient of the 2022 27th Donghae Citizens Awards in the Culture and Arts category and Dae-hyeon Park (born in 1956) as the recipient of the social service category.


Yun Jong-dae, winner of the Culture and Arts Division, led the East Sea History and Culture Research Group and contributed greatly to the exploration of the East Sea cultural relics, historical research, and the fostering of historical figures. He said that he was recognized for his contribution to enhancing the self-esteem of citizens through correcting local history and establishing identity.


Park Dae-hyeon, the winner of the social service category, served as the bankbook of Buksam-dong Bunto Village, the private chairman of the local social security council, the representative of the Bunto Village Agricultural Association, and the operating chairman of the Donghae Association for the Blind. He said that he is respected as a regional leader who serves as a model for the entire city, such as personal good deeds such as holding concerts at his own expense, village income projects, and the spread of sharing projects throughout the city as well as community unity.


Meanwhile, applications for the 27th Donghae Citizens Grand Prize were received for 20 days from February 14 to March 4, and the city held and selected a screening committee on March 23 for the nominees, and the 27th Donghae Citizens The grand prize is expected to be awarded at the 36th Mureung Festival in 2022.


Meanwhile, the Donghae Citizens Grand Prize, which started in 1995, said that it discovered and awarded 51 people in 6 fields recognized for their contribution to the development of Donghae city a total of 26 times by 2021.


Kang Seong-guk, head of the administration department, said, "We plan to actively discover and reward hidden citizens who silently serve the local community in various fields."




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김현우 기자, 동해시, 산불 피해 시민들, 지방세 감면, 세제지원 추진 관련기사목록
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