
막오르는 제3회 전국동시 조합장선거...조합원의 선택은?

김준호 기자 | 기사입력 2023/02/22 [18:06]

막오르는 제3회 전국동시 조합장선거...조합원의 선택은?

김준호 기자 | 입력 : 2023/02/22 [18:06]

▲ <자료=선거관리위원회>  © 경기북부/강원 브레이크뉴스


[김준호 기자 = 삼척시] 제3회 전국동시 조합장선거가 다가오는 23일부터 본격적인 선거운동에 돌입하게 되면서, 8개 지역 조합장 선거에서 조합원 투표의 향배에 관심이 모아지고 있다. 


지난 2015년 3월 11일, 제1회 전국동시 조합장선거가 실시된 이후 3회째를 맞는 조합장 선거는 공공단체등 위탁선거에 관한 법률에 따라 중앙선거관리위원회가 전국의 농업협동조합, 수산업협동조합, 산림조합으로부터 선거사무를 위임받아 실시하는 전국 단위의 조합장 선거이다.


먼저, 삼척농업협동조합 조합장 후보는 가장 많은 4명의 후보가 등록을 마쳤다. 심영구(71)후보 (전)삼척농협 감사, 이규정(57)후보 (현)삼척농협조합장, 이영기(62)후보 (전)삼척시 관내농협 상임이사, 장만용(60)후보 (전)삼척농협 이사를 각각 역임했다. 


도계농업협동조합 조합장 후보는 2명의 후보가 나섰다. 김성태(63세)후보 (현)도계농협조합장과 오정섭(64)후보 (전)도계읍 번영회장이 등록을 마쳤다.


원덕농업협동조합 조합장후보 역시 2명의 후보가 등록했다. 민경영(65)후보 (현)원덕농협 조합장과 이영록(59)후보 (전)원덕농협 감사가 각축을 벌일 예정이다. 


근덕농업협동조합 조합장후보는 (현)근덕농협 이원재(63) 조합장이 단독 등록해 무투표 당선이 확정 되었다.


또한, 동해삼척태백축산업협동조합장 후보는 3명이 등록해 각축을 벌일 예정이다. (전)동해삼척태백축협 팀장을 역임한 김상태(41)후보와 동해삼척태백축협 조합장 김진만(60)후보, 삼척시 (전)축산과장을 역임한 이상우(58)후보가 준비를 마쳤다.


이어서, 삼척수산업협동조합장 선거는 2명의 후보가 나섰다, (현)삼척수협 박수진(66)조합장과 (전)삼척수협 비상임이사를 역임한 함승준(58)후보가 입후보를 마쳤으며, 원덕수산업협동조합장 선거는 (전)원덕수협 상무를 역임한 김경화(61) 단독 등록했다.


끝으로, 삼척동해태백산림조합 후보 역시 2명이 후보로 나섰다. 김대호(67) 삼척동해태백산림조합장과 (전)산립조합중앙회 강원지역본부장을 역임한 최영순(60)와 양자 대결이 이뤄진다.


한편, 삼척시선거관리위원회는 제3회 전국동시 조합장 선거를 앞두고, 선거구별로 과열경쟁이 우려되고 있는 가운데 선관위가 위법행위 예방 활동 주력과 ‘돈 선거’등 중대 선거범죄는 무관용 원칙을 적용해 고발 등 강력히 대처할 방침이다.




*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. 


*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.


[Reporter Kim Joon-ho = Samcheok City] As the 3rd national simultaneous election for union president begins in earnest on the 23rd, attention is focused on the direction of union member voting in the seven regional union chief elections.


On March 11, 2015, the 3rd election for the head of the union after the first national simultaneous election for the head of the union was held, according to the Act on Entrusted Elections for Public Organizations, etc. , This is a nationwide election for the head of the forestry cooperative, which is entrusted with election affairs.


First of all, 4 candidates, the largest number of candidates for Samcheok Agricultural Cooperative Association, have registered. Candidate Shim Yeong-gu (71) (former) Samcheok Agricultural Cooperative Auditor, Candidate Gyu-gyu Lee (57) (current) Samcheok Agricultural Cooperative Association head, Candidate Lee Yeong-gi (62) (former) Samcheok City Regional Nonghyup Executive Director, Candidate Jang Man-yong (60) (former) Samcheok Agricultural Cooperative Director each served.


There were two candidates for the head of the Dogye Agricultural Cooperative Association. Candidate Kim Seong-tae (63 years old) (current) Dogye Agricultural Cooperative Association candidate and Oh Jeong-seop (64) candidate (former) Dogye-eup Prosperity Chairman completed registration.


Two candidates also registered for the head of the Wondeok Agricultural Cooperative Association. Min Gyeong-yeong (65) candidate (current) Wondeok Nonghyup association head and Lee Young-rok (59) candidate (former) Wondeok Nonghyup auditor are expected to compete.


The candidate for the head of the Geundeok Agricultural Cooperative Association was confirmed as a no-vote winner as the (current) head of the (current) Geundeok Agricultural Cooperative Federation Lee Won-jae (63) registered alone.


In addition, three candidates for the head of the Donghae Samcheok Taebaek Livestock Industry Cooperative are scheduled to register and compete. Candidate Kim Sang-tae (41), who served as the team leader of the (former) Donghae Samcheok Taebaek Livestock Cooperative, Kim Jin-man (60), the head of the Donghae Samcheok Taebaek Livestock Association, and Sang-woo Lee (58), who served as the (former) head of the Samcheok City Livestock Department, are ready.


Subsequently, two candidates ran for the Samcheok Fisheries Cooperative Association head election. Park Soo-jin (66), the current head of the Samcheok Fisheries Cooperative, and Ham Seung-joon (58), who served as a non-executive director of the Samcheok Fisheries Cooperative (former), completed their candidacy, and Wondeok Fisheries Cooperative Director. The election was registered exclusively by Kim Gyeong-hwa (61), who served as (former) Wondeok Suhyup executive director.


Lastly, two candidates for the Samcheok-Donghae-Taebaek Forestry Association were also nominated. Dae-ho Kim (67), head of the Samcheok-dong Haetaebaek Forestry Association, and Choi Yeong-soon (60), who served as the head of the Gangwon Regional Headquarters of the Korea National Federation of Forestry Cooperatives, will face off against each other.


On the other hand, the Samcheok City Election Commission is concerned about overheated competition in each constituency ahead of the 3rd nationwide simultaneous election, and the Election Commission focuses on preventing illegal acts and accuses serious election crimes such as 'money election' by applying the principle of zero tolerance. etc. will be dealt with vigorously.



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