
강원경찰청, 도내 범죄예방인프라 확충 적극 추진

강원도자치경찰위원회와 함께 진행

김일웅 기자 | 기사입력 2022/03/02 [16:57]

강원경찰청, 도내 범죄예방인프라 확충 적극 추진

강원도자치경찰위원회와 함께 진행

김일웅 기자 | 입력 : 2022/03/02 [16:57]

▲ <사진제공=강원경찰청>     ©경기북부/강원 브레이크뉴스


[김일웅 기자 = 경기북부/강원] 강원경찰청은 강원도자치경찰위원회와 함께 도민안전과 범죄예방을 위한 환경개선을 적극 추진할 계획이라고 밝혔다.


지난해 4월 2일 전국 최초로 강원도자치경찰위원회가 출범하며 핵심 전력과제로 선정하여 추진중인 3안운동(안심·안전·안녕)의 일환으로, 자치경찰위원회·지자체와 합동으로 공폐가(3,410개소), 공원·산책로(729개소) 등 주민불안 환경에 대하여 범죄예방진단을 하였고, 이중 350개소에 대하여 CCTV 설치 등 환경개선을 실시했다고 했다.


금년에도 3월~6월 4개월간 공폐가 및 공원·산책로 등 범죄취약지역에 대한 환경개선을 추진할 계획이라고 전했다.


또한, ‘지치경찰제 본격 시행의 해’를 맞아 강원도자치경찰위원회에서 추진하고 있는 ‘원주 봉산동 우물마을 골목길 반딧불사업’ 및 ‘도민안심거리(3개소), 도민안심귀갓길(10개소)’ 조성 등 특화사업에도 적극 동참할 예정이라고 했다.


최종문 강원경찰청장은 “강원도형 자치경찰제의 안정화와 주민불안환경 개선을 위해 강원도자치경찰위원회와 적극 협조하여, 범죄예방인프라 확충에 더욱 노력하겠다”고 밝혔다.




*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. 

*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation. 


Gangwon Police Agency actively promotes expansion of crime prevention infrastructure in the province


In cooperation with the Gangwon-do Autonomous Police Committee


[Reporter Il-woong Kim = Northern Gyeonggi/Gangwon] Gangwon Police Agency announced that it plans to actively promote environmental improvement for residents' safety and crime prevention together with the Gangwon-do Autonomous Police Committee.


On April 2, last year, the Gangwon Provincial Autonomous Police Committee was launched for the first time in the country, and as part of the three-pronged campaign (safety, safety, well-being) that was selected as a core power task and promoted jointly with the autonomous police committee and local government, vacant homes (3,410 locations) He said that he conducted a crime prevention diagnosis for residents' uneasy environments such as , parks and trails (729 places), and made environmental improvements such as installing CCTVs in 350 of them.


He said that he plans to promote environmental improvement in crime-prone areas such as vacant homes and parks and trails for four months from March to June this year.


In addition, to mark the 'year of the full-scale implementation of the Chichi Police System', the Gangwon Provincial Police Committee is promoting the 'Fireflies project in the Bongsan-dong Well Village Alleyway in Wonju,' and specialized projects such as the creation of 'Relaxing Streets for Residents (3 locations), and 'Responsible Streets for Residents (10 locations)'. He also said that he would actively participate.


Choi Jong-moon, Commissioner of the Gangwon Police Agency, said, "We will actively cooperate with the Gangwon-do Autonomous Police Committee to stabilize the Gangwon-do-type autonomous police system and improve the unsafe environment for residents, and we will make further efforts to expand the crime prevention infrastructure."




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김일웅 기자, 강원경찰청, 강원도자치경찰위원회, 도민안전과 범죄예방, 환경개선 적극 추진 관련기사목록
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