
강원도, 지속가능한 친환경농업 육성 위해 3,372억원 투자

코로나19의 안정적 극복과 농업인 경영안정 및 식량안보 대응으로 지속 가능한 친환경업 육성

김현우 기자 | 기사입력 2022/02/04 [17:31]

강원도, 지속가능한 친환경농업 육성 위해 3,372억원 투자

코로나19의 안정적 극복과 농업인 경영안정 및 식량안보 대응으로 지속 가능한 친환경업 육성

김현우 기자 | 입력 : 2022/02/04 [17:31]

▲ 강원도청 전경 <사진제공=강원도>     ©경기북부/강원 브레이크뉴스


[김현우 기자 = 경기북부/강원] 강원도는 「코로나19의 안정적 극복과 농업인 경영안정 및 식량안보 대응으로 지속 가능한 친환경업 육성」을 목표로 9개분야 70개 단위사업에 3,372억원을 투자한다고 밝혔다. 


➀「사람, 생태, 환경 중심의 농업 확산」을 위해 기본형 공익직불제(70천명, 1,339억원), 농업환경보전프로그램 확산(7개소, 550백만원), 친환경농업직불제(1,602ha, 1,201백만원) 등 6개 사업에 1,370억원을 지원


농업인의 안정적 소득을 보전하고 농업·농촌의 공익기능과 가치를 높인다고 전했다. 


②「친환경 안전먹거리 생산, 유통 및 소비 강화」를 위해 친환경농업 자율실천단지(11개소, 238백만원), 친환경농자재 공급(1,210ha, 1,980백만원), 임산부 친환경농산물 공급(2,694명, 1,293백만원), 친환경 가공·유통시설(13개소, 3,133백만원) 등 8개 사업에 86억원을 지원


특히, 임산부 친환경농산물지원은 2년차 사업으로 임산부 2,694명에게 강원도 친환경농산물을 안정적으로 공급하여 소비가 생산·유통을 견인토록 할 계획이라고 했다.


③「식량안보 대응 안정적 생산기반 확충」을 위해 벼 영농자재 지원(17,150ha, 3,890백만원), 수용성 규산지원(14,800ha, 444백만원), 잡곡산업 기반조성(단지 200ha, 시설장비 5개소 / 902백만원) 등 7개 사업에 67억원을 지원


강원쌀 및 잡곡 등 안정적 식량생산 등으로 식량자급률을 높이고 코로나19 확산으로 인한 식량안보 위기에 대응한다고 전했다. 


④「강원쌀 가공·유통 확충」을 위해 RPC 집진시설 개보수(1개소,    500백만원), 산지저장 및 가공기반 구축(20개소, 4,221백만원), 강원쌀 홍보    마케팅 지원(1식, 100백만원), 대량소비처 차액지원(3천톤, 900백만원), 공공비축미곡 매입(17천톤, 31,100백만원) 등 11개 사업에 399억원을 지원


강원쌀 가공을 위한 시설현대화 등 가공산업 육성으로 경쟁력과 인지도를 제고하고 쌀의 통합마케팅을 통해 판로확대 등 소비시장의 교섭력을 높이며, 공공비축미곡의 안정적 매입으로 농가경영 안정에 도움을 주고자 한다고 했다. 


⑤「강원감자 등 밭작물 육성」을 위해 감자주산지 명품생산(956ha, 446백만원), 강원감자 자조금 조성(1식, 245백만원), 고랭지감자 수급안정(1식, 1,090백만원), 고령농업인 농작업비지원(2,500ha, 2,625백만원), 유기질비료지원(204천톤, 30,538백만원) 등 13개 사업에 525억원을 지원


강원도 대표 작물인 감자의 광역화·규모화로 안정적 생산으로 감자시장의 주도권 확보 및 수요 맞춤형 영농자재 지원으로 농업인 경영안정에 도움이 클 것으로 기대된다고 했다. 


⑥「농업기계화율 제고」를 위해 대형농기계 임대 지원(7개소, 1,505백만원), 농기계임대사업소 확충(4개소, 3,200백만원), 주산지 농기계 지원(340대, 2,549백만원) 등 8개 사업 127억원을 지원


농기계 임대사업소 지원 확대로 농업인의 농기계이용을 제고하고 미세먼지 저감 및 농촌환경 개선을 위해 노후농업기계 폐차지원을 확대한다고 했다. 


⑦「재해대비 보험 확대」를 위해 농작물 재해보험(15,000ha, 6,000백만원), 농기계 종합보험(7,000대, 1,750백만원, 농업인 안전보험(14,000명, 1,750백만원) 등에 95억원을 지원


농업분야 재해보험 지원 확대로 피해지원 현실화를 통해 향후 피해 농업인에 대한 실질적인 소득보장과 경영안정화에 도움을 줄 계획이라고 했다. 


⑧「농업인력 수급안정」을 위해 인력지원센터운영(4개소, 270백만원), 농촌고용인력지원(2개소, 940백만원), 외국인계절근로자 편익지원(12시군, 217백만원) 등 4개 사업에 14억원을 지원


특히, 2022년에는 각종 선거 등으로 어느때 보다도 농촌일손이 부족할 것으로 예상되어 범도민 일손돕기를 확대하여 적기 영농실현에 도움을 주고자 한다고 했다.


⑨「가뭄 등 이상기후 대비 농업용수 및 농업생산 기반확충」을 위해 다목적 농촌용수개발(4개소, 16,475백만원), 농업용수 이용체계 재편(1개소, 4,500백만원), 수리시설 개보수(17개소, 20,006백만원), 대구획경지정리(8개소, 9,166백만원), 배수개선(10개소, 9,191백만원), 재난사각지대 해소(6개소, 587백만원) 등 12개 사업에 689억원을 지원


용수개발, 수리시설 개보수 등 농업생산기반 정비를 통해 가뭄 및 홍수 등 농업환경 변화에 대응한다고 했다.


김복진 농정국장은 2022년도에는 코로나19 대응 식량안보를 위한 강원도 고품질 농산물의 안정생산 기반 확충 및 소비유통망 강화, 농업인력 확보 등 많은 시책들을 추진한다고 전했다. 


특히, 코로나 등 어려운 농업환경 속에서 지속가능한 성장 동력을 마련하고 농업인과 강원도민이 공감하는 친환경농업을 위해 9개분야 70개 단위사업을 적기에 추진하여 농업인들의 소득증대와 소비가 생산․가공․유통을 견인하여 지역경제 활성화에 도움이 되도록 최선을 다하겠다고 밝혔다. 




*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. 

*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation. 


Gangwon-do invests KRW 337.2 billion to foster sustainable eco-friendly agriculture


Fostering sustainable eco-friendly businesses by stably overcoming COVID-19 and responding to farmer management stability and food security


[Reporter Hyeon-Woo Kim = Northern Gyeonggi/Gangwon] Gangwon-do announced that it will invest 337.2 billion won in 70 unit projects in 9 fields with the goal of “nurturing sustainable eco-friendly businesses by stably overcoming the COVID-19 and responding to farmer management and food security”.


➀ For 「People, ecology, and environment-centered agriculture」, basic public interest direct payment system (70 thousand people, KRW 133.9 billion), spread of agricultural environment conservation programs (7 locations, KRW 550 million), eco-friendly agriculture direct payment system (1,602 ha, KRW 1,201 million), etc. 6 Supported 137 billion won for business


It is said to preserve the stable income of farmers and enhance the public function and value of agriculture and rural areas.


② To strengthen the production, distribution and consumption of eco-friendly and safe food, eco-friendly agricultural self-practice complexes (11 places, 238 million won), eco-friendly agricultural materials supply (1,210 ha, 1,980 million won), supply of eco-friendly agricultural products to pregnant women (2,694 people, 1,293 million won), Supported KRW 8.6 billion for 8 projects including eco-friendly processing and distribution facilities (13 locations, KRW 3,133 million)


In particular, the support for eco-friendly agricultural products for pregnant women is the second year of the project, and it is planned to stably supply 2,694 pregnant women with eco-friendly agricultural products from Gangwon-do so that consumption will lead production and distribution.


③ Support for rice farming materials (17,150ha, KRW 3,890 million), support for water-soluble silicic acid (14,800ha, KRW 444 million) for “expansion of stable production base for food security response”, foundation for multi-grain industry (complex 200ha, 5 facilities / KRW 902 million) ) to support 7 projects including KRW 6.7 billion


It is said that it will increase the food self-sufficiency rate and respond to the food security crisis caused by the spread of Corona 19 by stably producing food such as Gangwon rice and coarse grains.


④ For 「Expansion of processing and distribution of Gangwon rice」, RPC dust collection facility renovation and repair (1 place, KRW 500 million), storage and processing infrastructure in production areas (20 places, KRW 4,221 million), support for promotion and marketing of Gangwon rice (1 meal, KRW 100 million), Supported by KRW 39.9 billion for 11 projects, including differential support for mass consumers (3,000 tons, KRW 900 million) and purchase of public stockpile rice (17,000 tons, KRW 31,100 million)


It aims to enhance competitiveness and recognition by fostering the processing industry, such as modernization of facilities for processing Gangwon rice, increase the bargaining power of the consumer market by expanding sales channels through integrated marketing of rice, and help stabilize farm management by stably purchasing publicly stockpiled rice. did.


⑤ For “nurturing field crops such as Gangwon potatoes,” production of premium potatoes in the main production area (956ha, KRW 446 million), self-finance of Gangwon potatoes (one meal, KRW 245 million), stabilization of supply and demand of potatoes in high cold regions (one meal, KRW 1,090 million), support for agricultural work expenses for elderly farmers (2,500 ha, KRW 2625 million) and support of organic fertilizers (204,000 tons, KRW 30,538 million) support 52.5 billion won for 13 projects


He said that it is expected that it will be of great help in stabilizing the management of farmers by securing leadership in the potato market through stable production of potatoes, the representative crop of Gangwon-do, and supporting farming materials tailored to the demand.


⑥ For “improving the agricultural mechanization rate,” 8 projects including support for leasing of large agricultural machines (7 locations, KRW 1,505 million), expansion of agricultural machine rental offices (4 locations, KRW 3,200 million), and support for agricultural machinery in main production areas (340 units, KRW 2,549 million) support


It is said that support for the scrapping of old agricultural machinery will be expanded to improve the use of agricultural machinery by farmers by expanding support for agricultural machinery rental offices, and to reduce fine dust and improve the rural environment.


⑦ In order to expand insurance against disaster, KRW 9.5 billion is provided for crop disaster insurance (15,000 ha, KRW 6,000 million), comprehensive agricultural machinery insurance (7,000 units, KRW 1,750 million, and farmer safety insurance (14,000 people, KRW 1,750 million))


He said that by expanding the support for disaster insurance in the agricultural sector, he plans to provide practical income guarantee and management stabilization for the affected farmers in the future by realizing the damage support.


⑧ For “Stable Agricultural Manpower Supply and Demand,” the operation of manpower support centers (4 places, 270 million won), rural employment support (2 places, 940 million won), and benefits support for foreign seasonal workers (12 cities and counties, 217 million won) 14 billion won


In particular, he said that in 2022, the rural labor force is expected to be more scarce than ever due to various elections, so he said that he would like to help the realization of farming in a timely manner by expanding the help of the local residents.


⑨ Development of multi-purpose rural water (4 locations, KRW 16,475 million), reorganization of the agricultural water use system (1 location, KRW 4,500 million), and repair and repair of water facilities (17 locations, 20,006) for 「Expansion of agricultural water and agricultural production base in preparation for abnormal climates such as drought」 KRW 68.9 billion for 12 projects, including large-scale arable land rearrangement (8 locations, KRW 9,166 million), drainage improvement (10 locations, KRW 9,191 million), and relief of disaster blind spots (6 locations, KRW 587 million)


It is said that it will respond to changes in the agricultural environment such as drought and floods through the maintenance of the agricultural production base, such as water development and repair of repair facilities.


Kim Bok-jin, director of the Agricultural Administration, said that in 2022, many policies will be implemented, such as expanding the base for stable production of high-quality agricultural products in Gangwon-do, strengthening the consumption distribution network, and securing agricultural manpower for food security in response to COVID-19.


In particular, in order to provide a sustainable growth engine in the difficult agricultural environment such as Corona and promote eco-friendly agriculture that farmers and Gangwon-do residents can relate to, 70 unit projects in 9 fields are promoted in a timely manner to increase the income of farmers and increase their consumption in production, processing, and distribution. He said that he would do his best to help revitalize the local economy by leading the way.




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김현우 기자, 강원도, 코로나19의 안정적 극복, 농업인 경영안정 및 식량 안보 대응, 지속 가능한 친환경업 육성, 3372억원 투자 관련기사목록
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