경기종합예술제는 경기도 각 시·군의 예총과 단체가 한자리에 모여 음악, 무용, 연극 등 문화예술의 각 장르와 지역의 다양성을 선보이는 자리이며, 시립합창단은 경기음악제에서 ‘청산에 살리라’, ‘윌리엄텔 서곡’ 등 수준 높은 공연을 선보였고, 시립이담농악단(이담농악보존회)은 축하무대에서 경기심포니오케스트라와의 협연곡 ‘신모듬’ 중 3악장을 연주하며 다채로운 공연을 선보였다고 했다.
한편, 해당 예술제는 코로나19 감염 예방을 위해 비대면 온라인 행사로 개최됐으며,‘경기예총’ 유튜브 채널을 통해 다시 볼 수 있다고 했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]이다. *Below is the [full text] of an English article translated from the above article as'Google Translate'.
Dongducheon City Art Troupe participated in the 42nd Gyeonggi Arts Festival
Participated in the 42nd Gyeonggi Arts Festival
[Reporter Jang Seon-hee = Northern Gyeonggi/Gangwon] On the 24th, Dongducheon Municipal Arts Troupe (Municipal Choir, Municipal Idam Nongak Band) announced that they participated in the 42nd Gyeonggi Arts Festival held at the Paju Unjeong Happiness Center performance hall and lit up the event.
Gyeonggi Comprehensive Arts Festival is a place where arts and crafts organizations from each city and county in Gyeonggi-do gather to showcase the diversity of each genre and region of culture and arts, such as music, dance, and theater. William Tell Overture' and other high-quality performances were presented, and the Municipal Yidam Nongak Band (Lee Dam Nongak Preservation Society) performed the 3rd movement of 'Shin Assort', a concerto with the Gyeonggi Symphony Orchestra on the celebration stage, and presented a variety of performances.
Meanwhile, the art festival was held as a non-face-to-face online event to prevent infection with COVID-19, and it can be viewed again through the 'Gyeonggi Arts Council' YouTube channel.
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