양주시 시정혁신자문위원회 위촉... 前 인수위원회 위원은 사실상 배제6개 분과 50명 위원 위촉... 경기연구원 출신 다수위촉, 추천자 중 시정에 관여하고 있는 서정대 Y 교수가 눈길 끌어
[김완영 기자 = 경기도 양주] 경기도 강수현 양주시장은 지난해 민선 8기 지방선거에서 양주시장으로 당선됐다.
강 시장의 공약 중 하나인 ‘양주시 시정혁신자문위원회’를 구성해 양주시를 혁신의 도시로 만드는 것이었다.
지난해 당선자로서 강 시장은 ‘양주시장직 인수위원회’를 꾸리고 시정혁신분과 등 여러 분야의 분과별 인수위원회 위원을 위촉하고 시정 인수에 들어갔다.
당시, 인수위원회에서는 양주시의 가장 큰 문제점으로 ‘시정혁신’을 꼽았다.
그래서, 양주시장직 인수위에서는 백서에 ‘양주시 시정혁신자문위원회 구성’을 담았으나, 15개월이 지난 오는 9월 중하순경에 첫 회의가 열릴 예정이다.
혁신자문위 조례 제3조(구성)에는 50명 이내의 위원으로 구성하고, 분과위원회로 ⓵ 시정혁신분과 ⓶ 교육·체육·사회분과 ⓷ 문화·관광분과 ⓸ 경제·일자리분과 ⓹ 도시균형발전분과 ⓺ 관군협력분과 등 6개 분과로 이루어졌다.
시정혁신분과 위원으로는 한상민 시의원, 임도빈 現 서울대학교 행정대학원 교수, 민용기 前 국무총리실 주한미군기지이전지원단 부단장, 임세연 ㈜크리에이티브 다다(서비스디자인업체) 대표, 김정열 現 대구대학교 도시행정학과 교수, 이성순 現 차 의과학대학 융합대학 연구교수, 이상진 現 바른구성원 변호사, 김수희 現 서울시립대학교 도시행정학과 교수등 8명으로 위촉했다.
교육·체육·사회분과 위원으로는 강혜숙 시의원, 김경회 한국생산성본부 가치창조 L&P 사업본부 공공역량센터 전문위원, 윤익준 대구대학교 법학연구소 연구교수, 백성일 前 대한체육회 사무차장, 임혜숙 現 서울대학교 교육연구소 연구원, 양승희 現 신학대학교 간호학과 학장, 조민식 서정대학교 휴먼케어서비스과 조교수, 장덕호 상명대학교 사범대학 교육학과 교수등 8명으로 위촉됐다.
문화·관광분과 위원으로는 김현수 시의원, 양덕희 2022년 대통령직인수위원회 국민통합위원회 자문위원, 이창희 現 서울문화재단 이사, 김성하 경기연구원 선임연구원, 유동환 現 건국대학교 문화콘텐츠 교수, 염신규 現 한국문화정책연구소 소장, 목진원 現 한국호텔전문경영인협회 이사, 이태겸 ㈜에스이디자인그룹 연구소장등 8명이다.
경제·일자리분과 위원으로는 이지연 시의원, 송동진 現 e-제너두 대표이사, 문미성 現 경기연구원 선임연구원, 송영현 現 서울시립대학교 도시행정학과 교수, 이푸른 現 한국기술거래사회 부회장(前 양주시장직 인수위원), 장기태 現 카이스트 조천식모빌리티대학원 정교수, 배경원 現 경희대학교 글로벌미래교육원 객원교수, 김한수 現 경기연구원 기획조정부 연구기획부장, 송인만 양주바이오텍 대표등 9명으로 위촉됐다.
도시균형발전분과 위원으로는 정현호 시의원, 정희태 시의원, 조성택 現 경기연구원 균형발전연구실 연구위원, 이정훈 現 경기연구원 경기북부특별자치도연구단장, 박동훈 現 카톨릭관공대 교수, 권용장 現 한국철도기술연구원 미래교통물류연구소장, 조동호 現 ㈜와이파워원 CTO/CEO, 김용석 국토교통부 물류정책실장, 이우일 한국건설생활시험연구원 경영기획본부장, 고승영 現 서울대학교 건설환경공학부 교수등 10명으로 위촉했다.
관군협력분과 위원으로는 최수연 시의원, 김갑수 現 대진대학교 안보학 교수, 김창수 現 포항공대 융합대학원 특임교수, 신현목 육군대령 예편, 주강식 제5기갑 여단장, 박영준 現 현대건설 상무이사, 남지현 現 경기연구원 연구위원등 7명으로 위촉했다.
이번 양주시 시정혁신자문위원으로 위촉한 유형을 분석해 보면, 당연직 시의원과 양주시 관내의 인적자원보다는 관외의 인적자원으로 위촉했고, 경기연구원 출신이 6명, 디자인 계열도 3명, 교수, 현직 건설회사 이사, 기업대표 등 다양한 전문직군으로 위촉했다.
특히, 특이한 사항은 위원을 추천한 인물에 있어 시장은 4명인데 서정대 Y교수의 추천자가 무려 9명이나 되었다.
이에 前 양주시장직 인수위원 A 씨는 “50명의 시정혁신자문위원 중 지난해 강 시장 당선 후 양주시정을 고민했던 인수위원들은 전멸했다. 더 이상 인수위원들은 양주시정에 설 곳을 잃었다. 관내 인사보다는 관외 인사와 교수 등에 집중한 이번 시정혁신자문위원회 위촉에 할 말을 잃었다”라며 “관내·외 인사의 형평성에 아쉬움이 있다“라고 말했다.
양주시민 B 씨는 ”관내에서 오랫동안 양주지역에서 살아온 경험이 많은 인사들이 있다. 이 분들은 양주의 발전에 고민을 많이 해 왔다. 교수나 전문직의 인사도 당연히 필요하지만, 양주시 발전에 기여한 인사들도 함께 품었어야 한다“라며 안타까움을 표시했다.
한편, 양주시 시정혁신자문위원회는 첫 회의를 9월 중하순경에 위촉식과 더불어 회의를 개최할 것으로 알려졌다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Appointment of Yangju City's Municipal Administration Innovation Advisory Committee... Former members of the transition committee were virtually excluded.
Appointment of 50 members from 6 divisions... Many from the Gyeonggi Research Institute were appointed, and among the recommenders, Professor Seo Jeong-dae Y, who is involved in city administration, attracted attention.
[Reporter Kim Wan-young = Yangju, Gyeonggi-do] Yangju Mayor Kang Soo-hyeon of Gyeonggi-do was elected mayor of Yangju in the 8th popular local election last year.
One of Mayor Kang’s pledges was to establish the ‘Yangju City Government Innovation Advisory Committee’ to make Yangju a city of innovation.
As the elected mayor last year, Mayor Kang formed the ‘Yangju Mayor Transition Committee’, appointed members of the transition committee for each department in various fields, including the municipal administration innovation division, and began taking over the city administration.
At the time, the transition committee selected ‘municipal innovation’ as the biggest problem in Yangju City.
So, the Yangju Mayoral Transition Committee included ‘Formation of the Yangju City Government Innovation Advisory Committee’ in the white paper, but the first meeting is scheduled to be held in mid-to-late September, 15 months later.
According to Article 3 (Composition) of the Innovation Advisory Committee Ordinance, it shall be comprised of up to 50 members, and shall be divided into subcommittees: ⓵ City Administration Innovation Division ⓶ Education, Sports, and Society Division ⓷ Culture and Tourism Division ⓸ Economy and Jobs Division ⓹ Balanced Urban Development Division ⓺ Government Forces It consists of six divisions, including the cooperation division.
The members of the City Administration Innovation Subcommittee include City Councilman Sang-min Han, Do-bin Lim, currently a professor at the Graduate School of Public Administration at Seoul National University, Yong-gi Min, former vice director of the Prime Minister's Office's U.S. Forces Korea Base Relocation Support Group, Se-yeon Lim, CEO of Creative Dada (service design company), Jeong-yeol Kim, currently a professor in the Department of Urban Administration at Daegu University, and Seong-sun Lee, currently a professor at the Department of Urban Administration at Daegu University. Eight people were appointed, including Cha, a research professor at the College of Convergence at the University of Medical Sciences, Lee Sang-jin, currently a lawyer at Bareun Member Association, and Kim Soo-hee, currently a professor at the Department of Urban Administration at the University of Seoul.
Members of the Education, Sports, and Society subcommittee include City Councilor Kang Hye-sook, Kim Gyeong-hoe, expert member of the Public Capability Center of the Korea Productivity Center's Value Creation L&P Business Division, Yoon Ik-jun, research professor at Daegu University Law Research Institute, Baek Seong-il, former deputy secretary-general of the Korea Sports Council, and Lim Hye-sook, current researcher at Seoul National University's Education Research Institute. Eight people were appointed, including Seunghee Yang, Dean of the Department of Nursing at Theological University, Minsik Cho, Assistant Professor of Human Care Service Department at Seojeong University, and Deokho Jang, Professor of Education at Sangmyung University's College of Education.
Members of the Culture and Tourism subcommittee include City Councilor Kim Hyun-soo, Yang Deok-hee, advisory member of the National Integration Committee of the 2022 Presidential Transition Committee, Lee Chang-hee, current director of the Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Kim Seong-ha, senior researcher at the Gyeonggi Research Institute, Yoo Dong-hwan, current professor of cultural content at Konkuk University, and Yeom Shin-gyu, current director of the Korea Cultural Policy Research Institute. There are currently eight people, including Jin-won Mok, director of the Korea Hotel Managers Association, and Tae-gyeom Lee, head of research at SE Design Group.
The members of the economy and jobs subcommittee include City Councilor Lee Ji-yeon, Song Dong-jin, current CEO of e-Xanadu, Moon Mi-seong, current senior researcher at the Gyeonggi Research Institute, Song Young-hyeon, current professor of urban administration at the University of Seoul, and Lee Bo-reun, vice president of the Korea Technology Trade Association (former transition member for Yangju mayor). ), Jang Ki-tae, currently a full professor at KAIST's Jo Cheon-sik Graduate School of Mobility, Bae Gyeong-won, currently a visiting professor at Kyunghee University's Global Future Education Institute, Kim Han-soo, currently head of the Research Planning Department of the Planning and Coordination Department at the Gyeonggi Research Institute, and Song In-man, CEO of Yangju Biotech, were appointed.
The members of the Balanced Urban Development Division include Councilman Jeong Hyeon-ho, Councilor Jeong Hee-tae, Cho Seong-taek, currently a researcher at the Balanced Development Research Department at the Gyeonggi Research Institute, Lee Jeong-hoon, currently the head of the Gyeonggi Research Institute's Northern Gyeonggi Special Self-Governing Province Research Center, Park Dong-hoon, currently a professor at the Catholic University of Technology, and Kwon Yong-jang, currently a future transportation researcher at the Korea Railroad Research Institute. Ten people were appointed, including Director of Logistics Research Institute, Dong-ho Cho, CTO/CEO of Wi-Power One Co., Ltd., Yong-seok Kim, Director of Logistics Policy at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Woo-il Lee, Director of Management Planning Division at Korea Construction Life Testing Institute, and Seung-young Ko, currently Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Seoul National University.
Members of the Government-Military Cooperation Division include City Councilor Choi Soo-yeon, Kim Gap-soo, currently a professor of security studies at Daejin University, Kim Chang-soo, currently a specially appointed professor at Pohang University of Science and Technology Graduate School, Army Colonel Shin Hyun-mok, 5th Armored Brigade Commander Joo Kang-sik, Park Young-jun, currently managing director of Hyundai Engineering & Construction, and Nam Ji-hyeon, currently a researcher at the Gyeonggi Research Institute. Seven people were appointed, including:
When analyzing the types of people appointed as Yangju City's municipal administration innovation advisory committee members, human resources from outside the city were appointed rather than ex-officio city council members and human resources within Yangju City's jurisdiction. Six people were from the Gyeonggi Research Institute, three were from the design field, professors, current construction company directors, They were appointed to various professional positions, including company representatives.
In particular, what is unusual is that among the people who recommended committee members, there were 4 mayors, but Professor Y Seo Jeong-dae recommended as many as 9 people.
Accordingly, Mr. A, a former transition member for Yangju mayor, said, “Among the 50 municipal administration innovation advisory committee members, those who were concerned about Yangju municipal administration after Mayor Kang was elected last year were wiped out. The transition committee members no longer have a place in Yangju city administration. He said, “I am at a loss for words regarding the appointment of the City Administration Innovation Advisory Committee, which focused on personnel outside the district and professors rather than personnel within the district,” and added, “I am disappointed with the fairness of personnel within and outside the district.”
Yangju citizen B said, “There are people in the district with a lot of experience who have lived in the Yangju area for a long time. These people have been concerned a lot about the development of Yangju. He expressed regret, saying, “Of course, we need to hire professors and other professionals, but we should also have included people who contributed to the development of Yangju City.”
Meanwhile, Yangju City's Municipal Innovation Advisory Committee is expected to hold its first meeting in mid- to late September along with the appointment meeting.
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