[기고] 제22대 총선 공약에 행정사의 ‘행정심판대리권’은 반드시 필요하다43만 행정사 자격증 소지자와 1만 개업행정사는 국민에게 봉사할 준비가 되어있다... 업역싸움도 국민이 기준이 되어야 한다.
[기고 = 김완영 행정사] 오는 4월 10일은 제22대 국회의원을 뽑는 총선이다. 이번 선거는 여야 간 초접전 지역이 많을 것으로 보인다.
이에 각 당에서는 총선에 대한 화려한 공약들을 줄줄이 쏟아내고 있다. 제3지대의 정당들도 지지율에 안간힘을 쏟고 있다.
수많은 예산을 수반한 화려한 공약들이 쏟아지고 있지만, 우리 국민들에게 피부에 와닿는 공약이 눈이 들어오지 않는다.
돈을 안 들이고도 국민들의 편익 증진을 할 수 있는 공약이 있다.
그것은 바로 '행정심판대리권'을 행정사에게 주는 것이다. 그러면 국민이 행복해 진다.
그러나, 간단한 제도임에도 막강한 이익 단체의 그늘 아래서 다양한 국민 서비스를 받을 수 있는 제도하나 국회의 문턱을 넘기기가 ‘하늘의 별을 따는 것’보다 어렵다.
행정사가 아닌 한 국민의 한 사람으로 각 당에, 제3의 정당에도 공약을 제시해 보고 싶다.
저는 생생히 기억하고 있는 과거의 정부정책이 있다.
그 당시 기고자는 ‘대한행정사신문사’를 발행하고 있었기 때문에 그날을 잊을 수가 없다.
지난 2016년 9월 13일 박근혜정부 시절 정부입법(행정안전부)으로 대 국민의 편익증진을 위해서 ‘행정심판대리권’을 행정사가 할 수 있도록 입법예고를 한 적이 있었다.
입법예고 이후 변호사 단체에서는 강력한 투쟁으로 입법안을 제지했다. 당시 박근혜 전 대통령이 탄핵당하고, 결국 당초 정부입법안에서 ‘행정심판대리권’이 삭제되면서 재입법예고가 되는 웃지 못할 일이 있었다.
재입법예고된 행정사법 개정안이 통과되면서 현재의 단일화된 대한행정사회가 설립됐다. 그러나, 7~8년이란 세월이 흘렀지만 어느 정부든, 어느 국회의원이든 국민의 편익 증진에 가장 근접해 있는 ‘행정심판대리권’에 대한 공약은 정당이든, 국회의원 후보든 간에 없었다.
그것에는 이유가 있다.
국회법 제37조 제1항 제2호(법제사법위원회) '아 항'에 의하면 “법률안, 국회규칙안의 체계 형식과 자구의 심사에 관한 사항”이 있지만, 사실상 체계 형식과 자구 심사만을 하지 않는다. 여기에서 각 단체 법률안이 통과하기 매우 어렵다. 왜냐하면, 부처 협의를 보아야 하기때문이다. (이하생략)
이제 며칠 남지 않은 총선이 시작되면서 각 당과 후보들에게 행정사에게 ‘행정심판대리권’ 확대를 통해 국민의 편익 증진을 펼 수 있는 공약을 주문하고 싶다.
행정사법 제2조 제5항을 보면 “인가 허가 및 면허 등을 받기 위하여 행정기관에 하는 신청, 청구 및 신고 등의 대리”가 행정사의 업무이다. 이 대리행위를 통해서 접수된 민원 서류가 불허가 처분이 됐을 경우, 최고로 잘 해결할 수 있는 사람은 역시 처음부터 처리한 행정사이다. 그런데 행정사에게는 행정심판대리권이 없다.
그래서, 행정사에게 ‘행정심판대리권’을 부여해야만 국민이 편리해 진다.
국민의 힘과 더불어민주당을 비롯한 개혁신당, 새로운미래당, 조국혁신당과 후보들께서는 행정사의 ‘행정심판대리권’ 공약에 관심을 가져주기를 바란다.
43만 행정사들의 마음을 움직였으면 좋겠다. 아니, 미래의 행정사는 차고 넘친다. 여야 각 당과 후보들의 깨끗한 선전을 통해 당선을 기원드리고 싶다 <이상>
[본 기고는 본지의 편집방향과 다를 수 있습니다]
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. Gyeonggi-do Volunteer Center, ‘2023 Citizen Support Project Shincheonji Volunteer Group Selection’ 6 million won in support. Shincheonji Volunteer Corps, ‘delivered 1,200kg of kimchi to 20 households
[Contribution] The administrative agency’s ‘administrative judgment representative power’ is absolutely necessary for the 22nd general election pledge
430,000 administrator license holders and 10,000 practicing administrators are ready to serve the people... The people should be the standard in business fights as well.
[Contribution] The administrative agency’s ‘administrative judgment representative power’ is absolutely necessary for the 22nd general election pledge
430,000 administrator license holders and 10,000 practicing administrators are ready to serve the people... The people should be the standard in business fights as well.
[Contribution = Administrative History Kim Wan-young] April 10th is the general election to elect the 22nd National Assembly member. This election is expected to have many areas where there will be close competition between the ruling and opposition parties.
Accordingly, each party is making a series of brilliant promises for the general election. Political parties in the third zone are also working hard to increase their approval ratings.
Although flashy promises involving numerous budgets are being made, the promises that are directly relevant to our people are not visible.
There are promises that can improve the people's convenience without spending any money.
That is, giving ‘administrative adjudication power of representation’ to the administrator. Then the people will be happy.
However, although it is a simple system, it is a system that allows you to receive various public services under the shadow of powerful interest groups, but passing the threshold of the National Assembly is more difficult than ‘picking up a star in the sky.’
As a citizen, not an administrator, I would like to present a pledge to each party and even to a third party.
There is a past government policy that I vividly remember.
At that time, the contributor was publishing ‘Korean Administrative History Newspaper’, so I cannot forget that day.
On September 13, 2016, during the Park Geun-hye administration, government legislation (Ministry of the Interior and Safety) made a preliminary announcement of legislation to allow administrators to exercise the ‘administrative judgment representation right’ in order to increase the convenience of the public.
After the announcement of the legislation, lawyer groups fought hard to block the legislation. At the time, former President Park Geun-hye was impeached, and in the end, the ‘right to represent administrative judges’ was deleted from the original government legislation, leading to a notice of re-legislation.
The current unified Korean Administrative Society was established with the passage of the revised Administrative Judiciary Act, which was announced for re-enactment. However, although 7 to 8 years have passed, there has been no pledge by any government or member of the National Assembly, regardless of political party or candidate for the National Assembly, about the ‘administrative adjudication right’, which is the closest to promoting the people’s convenience.
There is a reason for that.
According to Article 37, Paragraph 1, No. 2 (Legislative and Judiciary Committee) of the National Assembly Act, ‘Article A’, there are “matters regarding the review of the system form and wording of bills and National Assembly rules,” but in fact, only the system form and wording are reviewed. It is very difficult for each group's bill to pass here. This is because we have to consult with ministries. (Omitted below)
As the general election begins with only a few days left, I would like to ask each party and candidate to make a pledge to improve the public's convenience by expanding the 'administrative adjudication power' to administrators.
According to Article 2, Paragraph 5 of the Administrative Judiciary Act, the job of an administrative officer is to “represent applications, requests, and reports to administrative agencies in order to obtain approvals, permits, licenses, etc.” If a civil complaint document received through this agency is disapproved, the person who can best resolve it is the administrative officer who handled it from the beginning. However, administrators do not have the right to represent administrative judges.
Therefore, it will be more convenient for the people only if administrative officials are granted the ‘right to represent administrative judges.’
We hope that the People Power Party, the Democratic Party of Korea, the New Reform Party, the New Future Party, and the Fatherland Innovation Party and their candidates will pay attention to the administration’s pledge of ‘administrative adjudication rights’.
I hope it moves the hearts of 430,000 administrators. No, the future of administrative history is full and abundant. I would like to hope that the ruling and opposition parties and candidates win the election through clean propaganda <above>
[Contribution = Administrative History Kim Wan-young] April 10th is the general election to elect the 22nd National Assembly member. This election is expected to have many areas where there will be close competition between the ruling and opposition parties.
Accordingly, each party is making brilliant promises for the general election. Political parties in the third zone are also working hard to increase their approval ratings.
Although flashy promises involving numerous budgets are being made, the promises that are directly relevant to our people are not visible.
There are promises that can improve the people's convenience without spending any money. However, although it is a simple system, it is a system that allows people to receive various public services under the shadow of powerful interest groups, but crossing the threshold of the National Assembly is more difficult than ‘picking up a star in the sky.’
As a citizen, not an administrator, I would like to present a pledge to each party and even to a third party.
I remember it vividly.
I can’t forget that day because I was publishing the ‘Korean Administrative History Newspaper’ at the time.
On September 13, 2016, during the Park Geun-hye administration, government legislation (Ministry of the Interior and Safety) made an advance notice of legislation to allow administrators to use the ‘administrative adjudication right of representation’ to improve the convenience of the public.
Since then, lawyer groups have blocked the legislation through a strong fight. There was also a laughable era when former President Park Geun-hye was impeached, and the ‘right to represent administrative judges’ was eventually deleted from the government legislation, leading to a notice of re-legislation.
With the passage of the revised Administrative Judiciary Act, which was announced for re-enactment, the current unified Korean Administrative Association was established. However, although 7 to 8 years have passed, there has been no pledge by any government or member of the National Assembly, regardless of political party or candidate for the National Assembly, about the ‘administrative adjudication right’, which is the closest to promoting the people’s convenience.
There is a reason for that.
According to Article 37, Paragraph 1, Item 2 (Legislative and Judiciary Committee) of the National Assembly Act, there are “matters regarding the review of the system format and wording of bills and National Assembly rules,” but only the system form and wording are reviewed. In fact, it is very difficult for legislation to pass here. This is because it requires consultation with ministries. (Omitted below)
As the general election begins with only a few days left, I would like to ask each party and candidate to make a pledge to improve the public's convenience by expanding the 'administrative adjudication power' to administrators.
According to Article 2, Paragraph 5 of the Administrative Judiciary Act, the job of an administrative officer is to “represent applications, requests, and reports to administrative agencies in order to obtain approvals, permits, licenses, etc.” If a civil complaint document received through this agency is disapproved, the person who can best resolve it is the administrative officer who handled it from the beginning. However, administrators do not have the right to represent administrative judges.
Therefore, it will be more convenient for the people only if administrative officials are granted the ‘right to represent administrative judges.’
The People Power Party, the Democratic Party of Korea, the New Reform Party, the New Future Party, the Fatherland Innovation Party, and
I hope that you will pay attention to the administrative company’s pledge of ‘administrative adjudication power’.
I would like to hope that the ruling and opposition parties and candidates will be elected through clean propaganda.
[This contribution may differ from the editorial direction of this magazine]
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