청량산 유아숲체험원은 유아들이 숲에서 즐겁게 뛰어놀며 다양한 체험을 할 수 있도록 조성된 교육시설로, 인근에 조성된 청량산 도시숲과 인접하여 유아들뿐만 아니라 남녀노소 다양한 계층이 이용하고 있으며 코로나-19 방역지침을 준수하여 운영되고 있다고 했다.
현장 점검은 유아숲체험원 출입자 명부 작성·관리 및 체온계·손 소독제 비치 여부 등을 확인하고, 유아들이 주로 이용하는 시설(대피시설, 목재놀이터, 모래놀이터 등)에 대해 직접 방역을 실시하는 등 코로나-19 중점 방역수칙 준수 여부를 확인하는 방식으로 진행되었다고 했다.
최수천 북부지방산림청장은 “코로나-19 상황 속에서도 국민들이 안전하게 산림복지 혜택을 누릴 수 있도록 국립 산림다중이용시설 방역에 최선을 다하겠다.”라며 “국민들 또한 산림다중이용시설 이용 시, 발열 체크 협조, 마스크 착용 등 개인 방역 수칙을 반드시 지켜주시길 당부 드린다.”라고 말했다.
* 아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]이다. * Below is the [full text] of an English article translated from the above article as'Google Translate'.
Director of the Bukbu Regional Forest Service conducts on-site inspection of major facilities in Cheongnyangsan Children's Forest Experience Center
Located in Cheonghak-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon
[Reporter Il-woong Kim = Northern Gyeonggi/Gangwon] On July 13, the Northern Regional Forest Service announced that it had conducted on-site inspections of major facilities in the Cheongnyangsan Children's Forest Experience Center located in Cheonghak-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon.
Cheongnyangsan Toddler Forest Experience Center is an educational facility created so that children can enjoy various experiences while running around in the forest. It is adjacent to the nearby Cheongnyangsan Urban Forest and is used by children of all ages as well as young children. It is said that it is operating in accordance with quarantine guidelines.
On-site inspections include creating and managing a list of visitors to the Children's Forest Experience Center, checking whether a thermometer and hand sanitizer are provided, and directly performing quarantine on facilities used mainly by infants (evacuation facilities, wooden playgrounds, sand playgrounds, etc.) 19 It was said that it was carried out in a way to check whether or not the main quarantine rules were followed.
Choi Soo-cheon, head of the Bukbu Regional Forest Service, said, "We will do our best to quarantine the national forest facilities so that people can safely enjoy forest welfare benefits even in the midst of the COVID-19 situation." "People also cooperate with temperature checks when using forest facilities, and wear masks. We ask that you always follow personal quarantine rules such as wearing them.”
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